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Celebrating Every Mom's Journey: Meet SBO, Kenna Bouvet

Celebrating Every Mom's Journey: Meet SBO, Kenna Bouvet


Name: Kenna Bouvet, Co-owner of Earth + Sky, Massage & Acupuncture Center

How many kids do you have and how old are they: 1 daughter who is 18 months old

 Q: Describe your motherhood style journey

A:  Comfortable and easy to move in. Playing on the ground, holding daughter… running with daughter – I rely on more pants or flowy skirts and dresses. Buttons are a must with breastfeeding. I find myself always choosing my sturdy fabric clothes as these are more durable with my daughter.

But, I like quality looking clothes, that are made well and you can tell.  I am not a sweatpants out of the house person.

Q: What have you learned about your style over time?

A: I like clothes that show my body and curves off, that have a nice silhouette, but are not tight! I like a looser fit but with clean lines and earthy, neutral tones. I do not like branding or embellishments that take over the clothing.

Q: What's your style like now?

A: It's practical and versatile. I like things that look nice and wearable to work, but are sturdy and can also last playing at a dirty playground. But, I like quality looking clothes, that are made well and you can tell. I am not a sweatpants out of the house person. I lean towards minimal and functional jackets and pants, good pockets, maybe with a little spunk. I am drawn to a lot of Japanese styles. 

Q: What clothing makes you feel very confident?

A: When I know it’s a well-made piece of clothing that fits me well, shows my lines off, but is also comfortable and practical for the day ahead (whatever that may be!).

Q: If you could celebrate yourself for one thing, what would it be? 

A: Being a mom and a small business owner!

Q: Describe your business and why you started.

A: I co-own a massage and acupuncture business. It is a joy to run a business that supports the health of my community. I have an amazing team that inspires me daily, and I love having a career where I am constantly learning. I love being an acupuncturist treating patients and at the same time doing all the backend work to make the business run. These two roles suit my personality and fulfill my heart. 

Q: What's your advice to other moms who are thinking or dreaming of becoming an SBO?

A: It is doable and super fulfilling. For the most part I can have a flexible schedule which has been amazing for also getting key time with my daughter. I work A LOT, but I am able to do my office work when she goes to bed or takes naps. I do have a support system, and having structure in place to support you as a mom but also as an SBO is important. Knowing what you need and asking for it upfront allows you to be successful in both being a mom and being an SBO.

Q: How do you manage your time as a mom and an SBO?

A: I am realistic about what I can manage, and I am not afraid to ask for help. I have learned to delegate tasks to my team on the business side and also to my mom and husband on the home side. I have many lists too ;)

Q: What is one triumph in motherhood you’ve experienced?

A: Loving my body…even as it changes, and not knowing what those changes are. And being ok with the seasons of motherhood  – like giving up some things now for my family, but knowing that they will return in years to come – it’s all totally worth it. 

I do have a support system, and having structure in place to support you as a mom but also as an SBO is important. Knowing what you need and asking for it upfront allows you to be successful in both being a mom and being an SBO.

Q: If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: To not worry about getting everything done … enjoy the process… the moments. And to take moments to recognize the small accomplishments

Q: If you could describe yourself as a mom in one word, what would it be?

A: Thoughtful

Earth + Sky is a massage and acupuncture center located in Long Island City, New York. For more information, visit them online or follow them on social.

Every month, we highlight a mom from the A Million Lilies community to discuss motherhood. Because, amidst the struggles of taking care of our children, we feel the most seen and supported after speaking to a fellow #momfriend. We hope sharing stories of women like us can help encourage other moms in their stage of motherhood too. If you want to share your motherhood story with us, please contact us at



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